Our project is the Market place for ideas that once were existed only in the mind, and then, found a shape, tangible structure and volume.
The place where people create 3D images, share them, come up with the design of new things and objects, upgrade existing items, share them, print models and earn at the same time.
Creating of the project is carried out by employees from different parts of the world, that made it really international in an early stage.
We realize and see how important is cheap and quickly turn ordinary ideas from your head into the real things that you can keep in your hands.
A set of technologies and tools to control robotics with scalable software, smart drive and intellectual sensory.
With the new approach to the control and visualization technology.
Design and manufacture of devices for use in the robotics.
Production of the battery systems for the electric vehicles, which as we hope will soon replace old and environmentally unfriendly vehicles.